GSTN has enabled online filing of letter of Undertaking for exports

6 comments Saturday, February 24, 2018

GSTN enabled online filing of LuT. Instructions for filing LUT online on GST Portal are given below:-

1.     Go to User Services and Select the Tab “Furnishing Letter of Undertaking”

2.     Select the Financial Year for which you want to furnish the LUT

3.     If you have already furnished LUT Offline, for previous period, please attach the same here and continue to file your application

4.     If you're filing LUT, please read and select all the three checkboxes for accepting the conditions prescribed in Letter of Undertaking

5.     Enter the details of two independent witnesses

6.     Primary Authorized signatory or other Authorized signatory can sign the Application Form

7.     Once signed and filed, Form cannot be edited.

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